AI & Data

Foundational Data Fabric Platform

Enhanced business reporting by building a data platform using Microsoft Fabric, Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations, and Azure OneLake. The client improved data modeling, orchestration, quality, and reporting. Guidance was provided on how teams could access real-time customer data on smartphones using voice requests.

Problem Statement

This manufacturing company faced significant challenges related to the availability, accuracy, and usability of customer data for their sales teams. The primary issues included:

  • Data Fragmentation: Customer data was scattered across multiple systems and formats, causing difficulty consolidating and accessing comprehensive insights.

  • Limited Usability: The existing tools and interfaces were not user-friendly, making it challenging for the sales team to extract meaningful information quickly and effectively.

  • Lack of Centralization: Disjointed data flow and reporting impacted the ability to generate enterprise-wide reports and analytics.

To address these issues, the client sought a partner with expertise in streamlining data processes, improving data quality, and creating a centralized data environment. This solution was needed to enhance the sales team's data usability, enabling real-time access and more efficient data-driven decision-making.

Solution Approach

Prior to the engagement, the client began a migration of data to Microsoft Fabric and OneLake. They needed guidance on implementing Microsoft's Medallion architecture and best practices for transforming raw data into processed data (Bronze to Silver).  

Trility mentored the team for long-term success on data preparation and integration strategies to enhance data flow, create efficiencies, and improve usability.

  • Using dimensional data modeling with a star schema, organized data by setting up orchestration and parameterization to replace hard-coded values. 

  • Establishing governance policies to inform protocols and ensure high data quality. Classified, organized, and structured raw data to prepare for data lake ingestion.

  • Providing architectural guidance to ensure the scalability and security of the data infrastructure, adopting a layered approach similar to data mesh architecture for decentralized management of data domains. 

  • Integrating Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations into Fabric, ensuring usability across systems.


The client achieved a foundational data platform within one month, leveraging Microsoft Fabric, Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations, and Azure OneLake. This laid the foundation for enterprise-wide reporting via Power BI — not just for the sales team.

Other key outcomes included: 

  • Enhanced Reporting: Using Power BI, developed production-ready reporting capabilities that served as a scalable pattern for future enterprise-wide reporting. 

  • Upskilled Team: Provided comprehensive training and upskilling for the client’s team, enabling them to manage and maintain the data platform independently. This includes adhering to best practices in data modeling, orchestration, and data quality management.

  • Data Trust and Governance: Provided guidance on how to improve trust in the data displayed through centralized governance and high-quality data standards, ensuring that stakeholders can rely on the accuracy and completeness of the information.

Project Attributes

  • Reduced COO
  • Reduced Risk
  • Reduced Technical Debt
  • Accelerate Delivery
  • Increased Uptime
  • Increased Automation
  • Increased Scalability
  • Reusable Patterns
  • Increased Capabilities

Technologies Used

  • Azure
  • Microsoft Fabric
  • OneLake
  • Azure Data Lake Storage
  • PowerBI
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365